Warm Up With These Winter Cocktails

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Living in Florida, I understand that I can’t really speak to the bitterness that winter warm up with winter cocktailscan bring. However, I did grow up in New York and I do spend a couple of weeks each December facing my arch-nemesis – winter. Though I detest the cold, I really love the cozy cocktails that tend to come with it. In fact, my husband and I have started making winter themed drinks at our Florida home each weekend and we (well, he … Matt has been the innovator recently) have come up with some pretty delicious concoctions. Since I’m flying up north tomorrow (and will be recreating these cocktails to stay warm), I figured I’d share them with you too!

I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge apple cider fan. The hotter, the better. Now, imagine a traditional hot toddy (made with hot water, whiskey, honey & lemon), but with hot apple cider instead of water. Sounds good, right?! It is.

1 cup hot apple cider

1 tbsp. honey (you can leave this out if it becomes too sweet)

1 1/2 oz whiskey

1/2 lemon, juiced

It’s as easy as that, super tasty and just a tad dangerous. Matt and I may have finished more than half a bottle of whiskey with these!

Next up? Blackberry mulled wine. I have to admit, this one wasn’t an original on our part. I saw this recipe on Pinterest and knew immediately that it was a good find. Plus, this recipe is great for a crowd!

1 bottle red wine

2 cinnamon sticks

4 cloves

2 star anise

1 orange, juiced

1 cup apple cider *yay*

1/2 cup brandy

1 cup blackberries

1/4 cup maple syrup

Add everything together in a pot and bring to a simmer (I said simmer, NOT boil). It should take anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Serve in your favorite mugs.

Last, but certainly NOT least – you’ve got to have a hot chocolate cocktail recipe in your back pocket. This one is flexible too, depending on your flavor preference.

First, grab your favorite hot chocolate – whether it’s a packet or homemade (yourself or at M&D). I have some friends who like to add peppermint schnapps and bourbon, but I’m not a peppermint fan. I like the bourbon aspect however and then I also like to add a little caramel vodka. What would you add?


Rebecca McKinney

I was born a foodie. My dad is a chef, baker, and restaurant owner and my mom might as well be because she owns whatever kitchen she walks into. I grew up working in my family’s restaurant and bakery in Pawling, New York – McKinney and Doyle. I started behind the bakery counter at 12 years old after begging my parents to let me start working. At 16 I worked as a hostess. By 18 I was serving tables and training behind the bar where I then worked every other weekend throughout my college career. Even now, when I am visiting my family in New York, I help out where I’m needed. To make a long story short, the food and restaurant industry has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I wanted to create this blog for a few reasons. First and foremost, to share tips, tricks, and knowledge about the food and beverage industry in general but also to help people see a different side of the restaurant world. Every restaurant has a totally unique culture and world within it. I want to help open people’s eyes to more than how fast the service is or how easy or hard it is to secure a reservation.

So, thanks for stopping by! I welcome your ideas, input, and feedback and hope you enjoy!

Eat well & travel often,

Becky McKinney

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