Ten Books All Foodies Should Read

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A picture may say a thousand words but nothing tells a story quite like a book. I’ve always loved the food The Making of a Chefindustry. It’s hard not to when you parents have such a passion for it. But I think my passion really took off after my dad recommended I read one of his favorite books; “The Making of a Chef, Mastering Heat at The Culinary Institute of America”  by Michael Ruhlman.

I was excited to read it because my dad told me that the story really gives a true recount of what its like to attend the Culinary Institute and since he attended himself, it made me excited to feel like I could put myself in his place while reading.

“Well reported and heartfelt, Ruhlman communicates the passion that draws the acolyte to this precise and frantic profession.” – The New York Times Book Review

The story dives into Ruhlman’s experience, not only at the Culinary, but also in the world of professional cooking and the people who live in it. His words tell many stories and you’re transported into his life and his world. I, like my father, have to say that this is one of my favorite books.
But there are TONS of amazing books out there. Today, I’ll start with nine others.
1. Blood, Bones & Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef by Gabrielle Hamilton
2. Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson
3. Delancey: A Man, a Woman, a Restaurant, and a Marriage by Molly Wizenberg
4. The Hundred-Foot Journey by Richard C. Morais
5. A Cook’s Tour: Global Adventure in Extreme Cuisines by Anthony Bourdain
6. Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
7. The Art of Eating by M. F. K. Fisher
8. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver
9. Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger by Nigel Slater
If you’re like me and have a deep love for both food and the written word, I definitely recommend grabbing a copy of one (or all) of the aforementioned books. Which one will you start with?

Rebecca McKinney

I was born a foodie. My dad is a chef, baker, and restaurant owner and my mom might as well be because she owns whatever kitchen she walks into. I grew up working in my family’s restaurant and bakery in Pawling, New York – McKinney and Doyle. I started behind the bakery counter at 12 years old after begging my parents to let me start working. At 16 I worked as a hostess. By 18 I was serving tables and training behind the bar where I then worked every other weekend throughout my college career. Even now, when I am visiting my family in New York, I help out where I’m needed. To make a long story short, the food and restaurant industry has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I wanted to create this blog for a few reasons. First and foremost, to share tips, tricks, and knowledge about the food and beverage industry in general but also to help people see a different side of the restaurant world. Every restaurant has a totally unique culture and world within it. I want to help open people’s eyes to more than how fast the service is or how easy or hard it is to secure a reservation.

So, thanks for stopping by! I welcome your ideas, input, and feedback and hope you enjoy!

Eat well & travel often,

Becky McKinney

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