September Changes

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September is the month the test kitchen really ramps up for Fall menu items. It may still feel like Summer but we have actually been researching and discussing everything Fall flavor related since the end of July. Nobody said the restaurant business was easy!

You can expect to see our full menu change over around the last week of September, but every moment leading up to that switch will be used for research and taste testing (the best part of the job if you ask me).

Fall is the ultimate season of comfort, so our idea is to take some international comfort food ideas and fuse them to create something brand new. This concept has truly sparked some fun ideas for this year’s Fall menu.

For example, our most recent Burrata feature came from the comfort of Poutine but used the technique for Pommes Anna with all the spices & flavorful sauces of the famous Indian snack food, Chaat. On paper, it may sound crazy, but when it hits the plate and then your fork, the experience truly comes together.

You may have seen our test on the classic Braciole a few weeks back too, which we plan to launch on the Fall menu as well as some twists on more familiar items like Cassoulet, Birria & Cacciatore.

Of course the Cocktail menu will also have its moment to shine with new Fall flavors, but don’t worry…The Toasted Pear & Pumpkin Cocktail will still make their return.

What are you most excited about?!

Rebecca McKinney

I was born a foodie. My dad is a chef, baker, and restaurant owner and my mom might as well be because she owns whatever kitchen she walks into. I grew up working in my family’s restaurant and bakery in Pawling, New York – McKinney and Doyle. I started behind the bakery counter at 12 years old after begging my parents to let me start working. At 16 I worked as a hostess. By 18 I was serving tables and training behind the bar where I then worked every other weekend throughout my college career. Even now, when I am visiting my family in New York, I help out where I’m needed. To make a long story short, the food and restaurant industry has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I wanted to create this blog for a few reasons. First and foremost, to share tips, tricks, and knowledge about the food and beverage industry in general but also to help people see a different side of the restaurant world. Every restaurant has a totally unique culture and world within it. I want to help open people’s eyes to more than how fast the service is or how easy or hard it is to secure a reservation.

So, thanks for stopping by! I welcome your ideas, input, and feedback and hope you enjoy!

Eat well & travel often,

Becky McKinney

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