Helpful Wine Storage Tips

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I’m getting married in TEN days!! That’s not that many days and time seems to go by quicker every day. Matt and I are thrilled be getting married at America’s oldest winery and between the venue and our honeymoon in Europe, I’m kind of banking on building up our wine collection. But what good is a solid collection if you don’t know how to store it all correctly?

I’ll be honest, in our house, a bottle of wine doesn’t last long so we’ve never had to worry much about storing it. However, I’m hoping to learn more and start a formal collection so storage is going to be key in order to keep everything in tip top shape. Below are five key storage tips to ensure that your wine is showing at its best when you decide to open it up.

  1. Keep in the dark: Store all wine away from light, especially direct sunlight as UV rays can ruin it!
  2. Store corked bottles on their side: This will help prevent oxidation (presence of too much oxygen which will degrade the wine). Keeping it label side up will also allow you to spot any sediment that may have formed.
  3. Isolate it: This kind of goes without saying but don’t store your wine collection with anything that has a strong smell as it is easily tainted. Culprits include food.
  4. Let it be: Don’t move your wine around a lot. If you’re saving it, save it in one location. Too much vibration can negatively impact wine. If you are moving into a new home, talk to your mover about how to properly pack and move your collection in order to protect its integrity.
  5. Time it: If you’re taking your wine collection seriously, be sure to store it for the right amount of time before serving it. Most quality reds need between 2 and 10 years and whites need only 2-3.

I’m stating this goal here so that it’s out there in the open so that you can hold me accountable. I WILL start my wine collection with a few bottles from our honeymoon. I’ll be coming home in October with a mini collection. Hold me to it!

Rebecca McKinney

I was born a foodie. My dad is a chef, baker, and restaurant owner and my mom might as well be because she owns whatever kitchen she walks into. I grew up working in my family’s restaurant and bakery in Pawling, New York – McKinney and Doyle. I started behind the bakery counter at 12 years old after begging my parents to let me start working. At 16 I worked as a hostess. By 18 I was serving tables and training behind the bar where I then worked every other weekend throughout my college career. Even now, when I am visiting my family in New York, I help out where I’m needed. To make a long story short, the food and restaurant industry has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I wanted to create this blog for a few reasons. First and foremost, to share tips, tricks, and knowledge about the food and beverage industry in general but also to help people see a different side of the restaurant world. Every restaurant has a totally unique culture and world within it. I want to help open people’s eyes to more than how fast the service is or how easy or hard it is to secure a reservation.

So, thanks for stopping by! I welcome your ideas, input, and feedback and hope you enjoy!

Eat well & travel often,

Becky McKinney

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