Fall Food Trends for 2015

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With every season comes new food and beverage trends in the restaurant industry. I love how frequently this business changes as we discover new flavor combinations and fun ingredients to play with. Over the past few years fall food trendswe’ve seen a major increase in health consciousness (though some people aren’t happy about it – check out this clip for a good laugh), the resurgence of ancient grains, the use of herbs and essential oils in cocktails, and of course the addition of alcohol to foods of all kinds. As we make our way into the fall season, there are some things you should keep your eyes open for because I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll notice them on your date nights, happy hour meet ups, and even in your grocery stores.



Now I’ll be honest, I was a little disappointed with some of my finds during my research period because many of these trends aren’t exactly new. But, hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?



If you watched the video clip I linked to above, this first trend will have you laughing. Kale is still going strong in the food industry. Specifically, Dinosaur Kale (Tuscan Kale). It’s super healthy, rich with vitamins and antioxidants and happily, it’s less bitter than the smaller kale leaves you see in a lot of salads. Bon Appetit Magazine is calling it the kale for people that hate kale. Its versatility means you can expect to see it in pasta dishes, as well as both cold and hot salads, sandwiches, stews, and pretty much anything else that can be served with a green. Sorry haters, kale stays.



Ancient grains are also maintaining their popularity. Say goodbye to couscous and rice and embrace farro, red and white quinoa, real stone ground grits, and cracked wheat. These unprocessed grains offer more flavor and more health benefits and are also super simple to cook. I was recently out to dinner with my parents and my coffee crusted duck came with the most amazing cheesy grits of all time so I’m 100 percent on board here.



Have you cooked with smoked Spanish paprika yet? Word on the street is that it pretty much goes with everything from fries to fish and adds the perfect touch of smoky flavor to anything it meets. Plus, it’s rich red color will add some major beauty to your dish.



Last but not least, we have to address my fellow sweet addicts out there. Agave nectars are quickly replacing regular sugar, honey, and artificial sweeteners (thank GOD). The health nut in me is inclined to tell you that sugar is sugar so if you are loading up your treats with agave nectar thinking that you’ll shed some pounds, don’t hold your breath. But it is a touch better than refined sugar products and it’s also super easy to work it. Agave nectar dissolves very easily making it a perfect touch for cocktails, baked goods, and even homemade sodas (definitely stay on the lookout for that one).



I know that many of these things aren’t exactly new, but they are increasing in popularity which means you’ll be seeing a lot more of them while you’re out and about. In fact, M&D is debuting our new fall menu this Wednesday, October 7. Stop by and see if you can pick up what we’re puttin’ down.

Rebecca McKinney

I was born a foodie. My dad is a chef, baker, and restaurant owner and my mom might as well be because she owns whatever kitchen she walks into. I grew up working in my family’s restaurant and bakery in Pawling, New York – McKinney and Doyle. I started behind the bakery counter at 12 years old after begging my parents to let me start working. At 16 I worked as a hostess. By 18 I was serving tables and training behind the bar where I then worked every other weekend throughout my college career. Even now, when I am visiting my family in New York, I help out where I’m needed. To make a long story short, the food and restaurant industry has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I wanted to create this blog for a few reasons. First and foremost, to share tips, tricks, and knowledge about the food and beverage industry in general but also to help people see a different side of the restaurant world. Every restaurant has a totally unique culture and world within it. I want to help open people’s eyes to more than how fast the service is or how easy or hard it is to secure a reservation.

So, thanks for stopping by! I welcome your ideas, input, and feedback and hope you enjoy!

Eat well & travel often,

Becky McKinney

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